Just take a few minutes.
God rose me from the dead at 18 after me walking in eternity and hearing Him speak to me out of a dark cloud like he did to Moses. 14 years later i finally repented and turned to God. I cried Jesus forgive me, take my life and my room was filled with Gods Holy Spirit and He also filled me with His Spirit. I asked Jesus to heal me and he did. I had been injured from a weights injury on my left shoulder for over 3 years and had muscle wastage. I was born again of the Spirit of God from the moment I repented and cried out to Jesus.
Over the last 34 years walking with Jesus as my Lord God and saviour I have needed other miracles like Jesus changing me day by day helping make godly decisions in living for God. Jesus healed my knees, my hip, and even rose our daughter from the dead and as she grew up she told us that she had met Jesus and she described him as light each side of him and behind him and in front of him and wherever he moved the light followed him.
I asked her did he say anything. Jesus said welcome to Heaven. Our daughter said Jesus told her many things.
She is 9 now and has the same testimony as when she first told us at 18 months old.
Biblically all young children go to heaven, its only as we all reach the age of accountability as we grow up that after death we face judgement. This is comforting for all of us who have lost children. Yes there is a Kingdom of heaven and yes we can see them again if we ourselves get right with God. My wife and I lost our first child tiny feet and it was devastating. We all prayed and cried out to Jesus but it was not Gods Will. The Lord comforted us inwardly and went on to give us 5 children thank Jesus so we also have one in Heaven who we look forward to seeing and hugging.
YOU WILL GET ANSWERS. You may have your own reasons not to believe in God or to be angry with him and pretend he does not exist, in some way to punish God. God is able to reach you, you have read this far. You want answers well you will get them from Jesus the almighty.
God indeed has become flesh, Jesus died as an atoning sacrifice for all our sins on the cross at Calvary, paying our death penalty and shedding his sinless blood on our behalf. Jesus was born under the Law of Moses that condemns us all as sinners. The Law revealed our sin that we all inherited from the first man Adam. Jesus perfectly obeyed his Law given to Moses he had given mankind through Israel, Jesus obeyed the Law of Moses fulfilling its requirements in full and then to fulfil biblical prophecy Jesus gave up his life to die in your place and mine to pay our debt for all our sins. God the Father placed apon Jesus on the cross all the sins of the world, past, prescent and future. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus. Jesus is ALIVE is what I first realised fully when I first repented (turned from living my old self centered sinful life to a Christ Jesus centered Holy life) crying out Jesus forgive me, take my life enabled me to enter Gods Holy Kingdom, the Kingdom of God and to be filled with the Spirit of God. This gave me knew life born again of the Spirit and it was from then I knew God as my Father in Heaven in an intermit and personal way through Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.
WOW. If your thinking what really? Yes Really. Yes as the Holy Scriptures prophecied Jesus phisically rose from the dead on the third day. Its all true. A dead man in the grave can not save anyone but Jesus is ALIVE, he is risen from the dead and justifies all those who repent and believe in him.
You can have faith the size of a mustard seed and repent of all your unbelief and your anger against God and cry out Jesus forgive me, take my life. Enter into life, pass from darkness to light, come out of satans kingdom into Gods Kingdom and be led by the Spirit of God. God is your Heavenly Father. Jesus came to save us all from hell the shame of judgment and eternity in the lake of fire and to reconcile us to our Heavenly Father. I am not trying to get you to join our church, I am praying that you will come to Jesus for salvation then Jesus will lead you where he wants. In the name of the Father the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit our only God. Start sharing you heart with Jesus, he knows everything about you anyway.
Science for those who hide behind science and say that in some way Science has disproved Gods existence aught to watch a Youtube documentary "UNLOCKING TO MYSTERY OF LIFE VIDEO LINK" Its not religious. Watch it if you dare!!!
My purpose in writing is to comfort you who have experienced great loss and to challenge all those who just because they have not met God yet, go on to insist that God does not exist telling even children God does not exist. ThinK about it. THIS LETTER IS FILLED WITH LOVE. Even if you believe in God you will still love the above video "UNLOCKING THE MYSTERY OF LIFE" Please don't miss it. Hopfully see you this friday at 6.30pm at our Stans Gym Chapel. |